[Assword] [ASSWORD] keymap issue + notify + mailing list ?

Jameson Graef Rollins jrollins at finestructure.net
Sat Jun 1 13:33:48 EDT 2013

Hi, Olivier.  I took the liberty of adding you to the new assword
mailing list.  I hope that's ok.  Please feel free to remove yourself.
I don't expect the list to be very high traffic.

Comments below.  Also, in the future, go ahead and send the patch emails
directly to the list.

On Tue, May 28 2013, Olivier Guerrier <olivier at guerrier.com> wrote:
> 0001-allow-empty-password-when-ASSWORD_PASSWORD-prompt.patch
> This one only allow to enter an empty password. Harmless

I'm not sure I see the point of having empty passwords, as it seems kind
of counter to the point of the tool, but I suppose we can support it if
there's a good reason.  Can you explain what that might be?

I'm not sure this solution is the best, though.  I assume the idea here
is that if ASSWORD_PASSWORD is set to the empty string then the password
will be blank.  I think that's ok, but I would prefer to test explicitly
for that, rather than rely on a ValueError for the int conversion.

> 0002-add-a-new-optional-comment-field.patch
> This is the feature I was talking about. Make a backup of your 
> .assword/db is you want to test it. It will not break it but will add a 
> new field (the db is backward compatible with assword instance without 
> the patch). Once applied, you can do this:
> assword add test
> assword comment test
> assword gui (select test)
> you can also test with variations, like
> ASSWORD_NOTIFYCMD="notify-send -t 5000 -i 
> /usr/share/icons/oxygen/256x256/apps/kgpg.png '%s'"
> Ensure you have libnotify-bin installed (and a compatible window/desktop 
> manager)

I'm still not sure about the need for this stuff, but let me address
that below.

> 0003-fix-VERSION-in-Makefile-to-ensure-it-starts-with-a-n.patch
> I faced a issue when trying to do a make debian-snapshot. the error 
> message was:
> parsechangelog/debian: warning: debian/changelog(l1): version 
> 'debian/0.7+1~4-gc43b392' is invalid: version number does not start with 
> digit
> This happenned only in the branch "debian". This patch only fix this.

This seems like a good fix.  Thanks.

> On 28/05/2013 19:02, Jameson Graef Rollins wrote:
>>> 2/ notify feature.
>>> I want assword to be able to display a "comment" using the desktop
>>> notifications system.
>> Can you be a bit more specific about what exactly you're wanting to be
>> notified with?  Is it just the entry contexts?  The full entry contexts
>> are displayed in the drop-down menu in the gui.  Is that not sufficient
>> for some reason?
> No it is not sufficient. Here are 2 use real use case:
> 1 - https://mobile.free.fr/moncompte/
> You have a password, and you have a ID that need to be entered through 
> the mouse. So here I can use assword to fill the password field, and 
> display the id (which is given on bill anyway) on the screen so I can 
> click it).

So it sounds like the usage here is that you want to store a specific
user id along with a password for a given context.  I think that's
reasonable.  I think it makes more sense to support that directly,
though, rather than with the more generic "comment" field.

For instance, maybe we could have assword fill in user id fields, then
hit 'TAB' to move to a password field to enter the password.  That seems
like a fairly common use case.

> 2 - I store a few pincodes in assword as well (credit card for example).
> In this case I store an empty password, and only a comment that is 
> displayed (instead of dumping the password on the command line for example)

In my mind pin codes are actually just a different form of password.  I
would say they should just be stored in the password field of a
different entry.  For instance, I have contexts like this:

"jrollins at mybank.com"
"jrollins at mybank.com (pin)"

That seems to handle those use cases for me, without the need for
separate fields.  Do you think something similar would work for you?

In general, I would like to avoid tying into the notification system if
we can help it.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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