[Assword] Proposal for an extensible command line syntax

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Fri Oct 25 13:34:32 EDT 2013

On 10/25/2013 12:31 PM, Jameson Graef Rollins wrote:
> You also refuse to visit web sites that use scripts, so you're certainly
> sampling a much smaller fraction of the web than most ;)

not true, i visit them but they don't usually work very well :)

> Ug.  This sounds like a maintenance nightmare.  I would be open to
> including them as an extra contrib thing, but I don't want to be
> responsible for maintaining a bunch of import functions for other
> programs.

i think we could support them on a best-effort basis, with the goal that
the importing functions should

> Add them to the TODO file as well, where, I should point out, there are
> also another 11 ENHANCEMENT suggestions.

I've added them to the TODO file, visible at
git://lair.fifthhorseman.net/~dkg/assword -- feel free to pull!

> I don't know.  Maybe something that lets you specify the number of
> characters in the randomly generated string would be sufficient.

Well that would certainly be a simpler UI!  Maybe that could be an
enhancement suggestion too if you think through what it would need.

what about a little collapsible section below the create button that has
"options".  it would only be enabled when the "create" button is
enabled, and it would contain "password length", which would be
pre-populated with the values drawn from the environment.


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