[guardian-dev] Announcing New Android Project

Abel Luck abel at guardianproject.info
Thu Aug 2 16:42:07 EDT 2012

Hey folks,

It's been in the pipeline for awhile, but today one of our partners,
Small World News, has announced it officially.

Guardian and SWN are collaborating along with Radio Free Asia and Free
Press Unlimited in the creation of an open-source Android app that
enables "existing and aspiring journalists all over the world to produce
and publish professional-grade news with their Android phone, as safely
and securely as possible."

It's an exciting new project, slightly different than our traditional
projects in that providing a secure X (where X= browsing,
communications, etc) isn't it's primary goal.

Yet, we will of course be holding fast to our principles of Security by
Default and Privacy by Design, so this project will be incorporating
much of our existing and ongoing security+privacy work for Android.

Go check out the article announcing the project [0] for more detailed info.

As always, we at Guardian are committed to free and open-source software
and development processes, so you can track the development of this
project on our github [1] and developer site [2].



[1]: https://github.com/guardianproject/mrapp
[2]: https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/wrapp

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