[guardian-dev] Compiling Lil' Debi completely from source.
Nathan of Guardian
nathan at guardianproject.info
Mon Aug 20 16:44:05 EDT 2012
On 08/20/2012 04:10 PM, Josh Branning wrote:
>> > We really love the concept of F-Droid and the
>> > commitment to open-source, but we have serious issues of other people
>> > releasing our apps publicly that have been built in potential insecure
>> > environments.
> 'Your apps'? I thought they were in the public domain, licenced under
> the GNU General Public Licence?
You know what I mean. Don't be a jerk. If you want to mince words,
Public Domain != GPL.
We are happy to help you in your F-Droid efforts, so please post to
guardian-dev if you have more questions. However, we have already been
down the road of trying to make everything build under the very limited
Android .mk world, and it is not pretty. Makefiles are much cleaner.
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