[guardian-dev] [Guardian-internal] Help with client-side authentication certificates

Abel Luck abel at outcomedubious.im
Tue Aug 21 18:36:13 EDT 2012

Can you outline the process a little more explicitly? That is, what is
"magic" below?

1. The user installs the app, which comes with zero certs/keys
X. The app securely uploads data to the server

Harlo Holmes:
> actually, the pkc#12 would be generated for the device using the device's
> private key; using diffie-hellman to create its password, generated on the
> trusted destination server and then sent back to the device over an
> encrypted channel for subsequent use. this is what I'm thinking-- have not
> yet implemented it yet. if there are any glaring errors in that logic, do
> weigh in...
> On Aug 21, 2012 1:17 PM, "Abel Luck" <abel at outcomedubious.im> wrote:
>> Harlo Holmes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As suggested by Michael from Briar Project, I've changed over to client
>>> certificates for authentication in uploading to InformaCam servers.  The
>>> app comes bundled with the .p12 certificate (unique to the device) and
>>> should be used in the SSL handshake.  I would like to install it when the
>>> user goes through the wizard (first time use.)  Trouble is, I'm not sure
>>> how to install it: i know it should ask for a password, and should be
>>> installed in the keystore, but any other pointers?
>> Do you mean pointers on how to use the keystore? Here's a good example
>> straight from the android devs:
>> http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/03/unifying-key-store-access-in-ics.html
>> How are the "unique to the device" certs being generated and bundled
>> with the app?
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