[guardian-dev] Share key between several clients

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Thu Jul 4 12:15:29 EDT 2013

This is exactly what the OTR File Converter program does: it syncs OTR key
information across multiple clients.  We're about to make easy to use releases
for GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows.  Here's the source, its not hard to run if you
are used to running python projects:


Otherwise, watch this list for upcoming announcements!


On 07/04/2013 04:29 AM, Antoine Gaillard wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is there any way to share the same key between two clients (for example
> gibberbot and pidgin) ? Currently if I log in on my phone while talking
> with pidgin it's quite a mess.
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