[guardian-dev] Fwd: [liberationtech] Heml.is - "The Beautiful & Secure Messenger"
Lee Azzarello
lee at guardianproject.info
Wed Jul 10 16:58:15 EDT 2013
I agree that a candy company would benefit from beauty in their
product, especially since their customers put it in their mouth.
Security software is not candy. Many of the critical use cases for
secure messaging have a pretty bad taste. Other's don't. I like to
explore the role of beauty in software tools, since beauty is
subjective. What was beautiful today may not have been beautiful
before I was born. Software, which is fundamentally a tool, has a
criteria for beauty that is different than things like art or poetry
or a pretty face. I personally disagree that putting a pretty face on
anything will make it better. It will make it different, for sure. Go
Daddy made a killing selling domain names by marketing a woman's
breasts during the superbowl. Is that a success for all users? Or just
for Go Daddy?
On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Tim Prepscius <timprepscius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I knew I was onto something when I got a pastel pink and blue bike
>> kit. Pastel colors are #beautiful! Which users care more about
>> something abstract like "beauty" when they originally departed looking
>> for something literal like "privacy"?
> I am having difficulty exactly parsing this paragraph.
> However, if it is saying what I think it is saying, I would be careful
> to denigrate users who care about beauty. (even if subjective). For
> they are 99% of everybody.
> A good UI goes hand in hand with a good fundamental structure.
> --
> For instance "PabbaBubble" makes candies which look and taste delicious.
> If they made candies that tasted great and looked like poo no one
> would buy them.
> If they made candies that look awesome but tasted like poo no one
> would eat them.
> By having both they conquer and do great business.
> PabbaBubble
> 380 Broome St
> (between Mott St & Mulberry St)
> New York, NY 10013
> Anyways, I'm obviously babbling.
> Cheers to all,
> -tim
> On 7/9/13, Chris Ballinger <chrisballinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> *What technology will Heml.is use?
>>> *We are building Heml.is on top of proven technologies, such as XMPP with
>>> PGP.
>> PGP, really?
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Mark Belinsky
>> <mark at guardianproject.info>wrote:
>>> A pretty, beautiful and attractive messaging app that doesn't exist yet:
>>> https://heml.is/
>>> Apparently it's end-to-end secure according to the fun-guy video, but it
>>> doesn't say how nor whether it's open source.
>>> The iOS7 design is uber nice, gorgeous and fetching. Something to take
>>> inspiration from if Chatsecure is thinking about a facelift.
>>> Best,
>>> Mark
>>> --*
>>> @mbelinsky <https://twitter.com/mbelinsky> | guardianproject.info |
>>> phone: +1-347-466-9327 | ostel: 1003 **| pgp:
>>> 0xEFBFA7278D8EFFDA<http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xEFBFA7278D8EFFDA>
>>> *
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com>
>>> Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 12:52 PM
>>> Subject: [liberationtech] Heml.is - "The Beautiful & Secure Messenger"
>>> To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
>>> Suprised to see Peter Sunde, Leif Högberg & Linus Olsson push out their
>>> private
>>> messaging for Android and iOS as closed-source unlock-ware:
>>> https://heml.is/
>>> (Warning: Self-ingratiating video. Fun-guy team shots)
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Julian Oliver
>>> PGP B6E9FD9A
>>> http://julianoliver.com
>>> http://criticalengineering.org
>>> --
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