[guardian-dev] What do you want to do on your Android today?

Abel Luck abel at guardianproject.info
Mon Jun 3 08:38:18 EDT 2013

This started out as a simple iteration on Mark's tutorial code, but
turned into a full-blown weekend project.

Check it out: http://outcomedubious.im/tutorial-db/

(source: https://github.com/abeluck/tutorial-db )

Aside from the flashy landing page, the tutorial code has received a
major overhaul.

I improved upon Mark's code and turned it into a framework of sorts so
creating tutorials is much easier (just HTML). In the process I added
some new features, the ability to go backwards with the arrows! (useful
when using this as a presentation in a training).

Want to make your own tutorial? Here's a sample tutorial


(source: https://github.com/abeluck/tutorial-skeleton/ )

Clone that sucker and edit it!


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