[guardian-dev] [Suspected Junk Mail] ChatSecure:Android v14.0.9

ghostlands at hush.com ghostlands at hush.com
Fri Dec 19 07:34:10 EST 2014

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On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:55:41 +0000 "Nathan of Guardian"
<nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:
>APK: https://guardianproject.info/releases/ChatSecure-v14.0.9.apk
>Sig: https://guardianproject.info/releases/ChatSecure-
>14.0.9 / 2014-12-15 / ac8027fe74409cf2afb2ad22e3a0e76118017ced
>* Design and usability
>2d811fd make lock, wizard screens user user background fix lookup
>file path from returned URI of images
>c6c1e4b add new default material images original images generated
>Tapet app
>831c7cc fixes #4277 and issue with blank frag after rotate
>f899c96 update background image to material style
>caba6fa sync up file layout with portrait version for easy
>98e7533 include languageButton in landscape layout
>c0536d2 make Orbot install link a direct link to app in Google
>Play and
>a8a79ab update LetterAvatar to better match Gmail material style
>a607d49 add round letter avatar for contact w/o image
>5d86664 make start OTR menu the green/verified one
>3f651c8 don't throw unhandled Exception if audio message is
>6134d31 handle "opaque" xmpp: URIs from QR scan
>51d7d3d in "New Account", only show Google option if there are
>* Core fixes
>4536135 test whether pinned domains are working properly with the
>e397110 remove defunct XMPP server from recommended list:
>a2f7511 fix crash when setting presence to "not subscribed"
>e5f42c1 fix crash when timer runs
>4942329 fix crash if logout during contacts list sync
>d875409 fix NPE
>e37adab purge defunct XMPP cert pin for dukgo.com, the main COMODO
>covers this
>1c6f772 fix crash if mProviders is reset while loading
>22d0a8a fix crash when selecting "verify" from a chat
>6ae9dfc CLOSE ALL THE THINGS! aka "Resource leak: 'foo' is never
>12b1545 when user selects "End chat", also send OTR FINISHED
>b79ffbc after creating a new account, automatically sign in
>47bac15 make MessageView also guess the MIME type to display
>113a59d strip down inline Audio Player to make it more responsive
>a62a32b send contacts that are shared to ChatSecure
>a1ab729 standardize on IocVfs.isVfsUri(Uri) for testing VFS URLs
>3c9702d show error message if shared URL is not understood
>9fc3be5 make ChatSecure claim .ofcaes files that are opened in
>0227fe2 show error message if sharing data when all accounts are
>  Nathan of Guardian
>  nathan at guardianproject.info
Charset: UTF8
Version: Hush 3.0
Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify


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