[guardian-dev] Confused by Android-L PIE

Nick Parker nparker at zetetic.net
Thu Nov 6 14:26:18 EST 2014

Hi Nathan,

For what its worth, running the latest SQLCipher for Android (3.2.0)
library on the Android L preview emulator executing the test suite is
entirely successful.  I had previously submitted a screenshot of this to
this thread however the message was not posted.

On 11/6/14 1:09 PM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> I finally updated my Nexus 7 to use the latest Android L/5.0 developer
> preview ROMs
> I've updated Orbot's Makefile to support a simple command line arg for
> enabling PIE or not:
> https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/7f50f79b0e3ebbb0dd97845445dbb693f3fd541c
> For PIE-enabled/Android-16 binaries:
>> make polipo PIEFLAGS="-fPIE -pie" NDK_PLATFORM_LEVEL="16"
> For non-PIE/Android-9 through 15 binaries:
>> make polipo PIEFLAGS="" NDK_PLATFORM_LEVEL="9"
> I can verify that if I try to run the non-PIE binaries on L, they do not
> work.
> Now, when I decided to install Courier (securereader) and ChatSecure
> from the Google Play store existing versions, they both installed and
> executed perfectly. They both contain native code, but they are used as
> shared libraries and not command line executables like with Orbot.
> So, does that mean the PIE setting only affected executables and not
> libraries, perhaps?

Nick Parker

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