[guardian-dev] OrbotVPN

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Wed Feb 4 17:02:03 EST 2015

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015, at 03:03 PM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> > I have integrated your code and changes into my v15-dev branch, which
> > can be found at:
> > 
> > https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/tree/v15-dev
> > or https://gitweb.torproject.org/n8fr8/orbot.git/log/?h=v15-dev
> > 

... and now, here is a v15 alpha preview build for testing. This is
ALPHA software, especially the VPN support, so obviously it may be
unstable and/or could leak DNS or other information still at this point.
So far, from my smoke tests on two devices, it seems to be pretty

Download here:

Many thanks to SandroB and the Psiphon team for their contributions to
this work.

This includes a slightly updated user interface, as well, with simple
"Open Browser" and "VPN On/Off" toggle button on the main screen. 

"Open Browser" will launch the now-built-in Orweb browser if VPN is off,
and the system/default browser if VPN is on. When VPN is on, all apps
should go through Tor. You can tell if it is working, by say streaming
music or a YouTube video, and watching the traffic stats. You can also
test sites like dnsleaktest.com in the main system browser.

You will need to disable root/transproxy mode for this all to work, and
at this point, we have unofficially deprecated any "root" functions in

Please let us know how it goes, if you experience any instability or if
the Tor routing doesn't appear to be working.


  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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