[guardian-dev] idea for "install profiles" for Lil' Debi

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Fri Feb 13 08:31:12 EST 2015

The idea would be to keep the existing scripts all exactly the same.  Then the
"install profile" scripts would be run after the initial install procedure

We might need to add some metadata to the install profile.  For example, one
thing would be to have metadata to set the minimum image size for a given
install profile.  While a basic install can fit in 250 megs, I imagine that
XFCE requires a lot more room.


Kumar Sukhani:
> ya, I will do that.
> We need additional packages for xfce.
> Should I add those packages in cdebootstrap command ?
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 6:17 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <
> hans at guardianproject.info> wrote:
>> Yeah, that would be a good example of a profile: full XFCE setup!  Can you
>> write it up in a Lil' Debi post-install script?
>> .hc
>> Kumar Sukhani:
>>> Now I tried running xfce desktop environment.
>>> That is also working with Lil'Debi :)
>>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 4:01 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <
>>> hans at guardianproject.info> wrote:
>>>> I had an idea for a feature that I think would make Lil' Debi a lot more
>>>> useful for things like that.  Now I'm looking for feedback on how
>> useful it
>>>> would be, and anything else people might think of.
>>>> Basically, Lil' Debi should support "installation profiles"  On the
>> install
>>>> screen, there would be a menu of profiles to choose from.  Some profiles
>>>> could
>>>> be "basic webserver", "wireshark", "minimal SSH", etc. etc.  The user
>> would
>>>> just choose one of those profiles, and then Lil' Debi would make that
>>>> setup.
>>>> I think this could be implemented as a folder like
>>>> /data/data/info.guardianproject.lildebi/app_profiles, and each profile
>>>> would
>>>> be an sh script with a little metadata in it, like name and description.
>>>> The
>>>> menu would be automatically built from whatever script are in that
>> folder,
>>>> so
>>>> people could easily write and test their own profile scripts, just by
>>>> copying
>>>> them to that folder.
>>>> Or maybe this profile would be even simpler, it is just a list of
>> packages
>>>> to
>>>> install.  Then there would be much less security risk, and we could
>> make it
>>>> really easy for people to swap these profiles with each other, and have
>>>> them
>>>> installed into Lil' Debi.
>>>> .hc
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