[guardian-dev] Fwd: Notes on Build 23 crash with sqlcipher

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Fri Jul 10 15:31:52 EDT 2015

Seems like Firefox on iOS is using SQLCipher... great!

----- Original message -----
From: Stefan Arentz <sarentz at mozilla.com>
To: "mobile-firefox-dev" <mobile-firefox-dev at mozilla.org>
Subject: Notes on Build 23 crash with sqlcipher
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 11:58:48 -0400

Just broadcasting here some of the discussions that happened on IRC.

We did not release Build 23 yesterday because two crashes happened:

- 1182173 On navigation or redirection, the browser would crash
- 1182151 On filling a password the browser would crash

At first we thought these two were related. Since many login forms
after login. But it turns out that these are two different bugs.

The patch that caused the first one has been backed out and navigation
works without problems.

The second one still happens and is more complicated.I have added more
notes in the bug:


This is a blocker for Build 23, any help is appreciated.

I am currently reading SQLCipher code and documentation to find clues.

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  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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