[guardian-dev] scrolling while reading on mobile devices
noel hidalgo | gProject
noel at guardianproject.info
Fri Jun 12 15:27:30 EDT 2015
Also, Instapaper has a really cool "tilt to scroll" function. It is super handy while reading one handed...
> On 10 Jun 2015, at 11:28, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at guardianproject.info> wrote:
> I'm a long time reader on digital devices (Palm!) and the scrolling in Android
> just sucks on almost all apps. A good reading app provides a dead simple way
> to turn "pages". Manually scrolling is a terrible experience because it
> requires focusing on a tricky physical task. It requires much more focus than
> turning a book page (maybe that's because I'm 41 and grew up reading books ;).
> Both Kindle and Google Books on Android provide a simple double-tap to turn
> the page, for example. That is pretty good, but it still requires aiming on a
> small target on the screen. I'm a big fan of Courier's side scrolling, it
> just takes a simple flick left or right anywhere on the reading area.
> Apparently, some people get confused by the side scrolling.
> I just was trying out Al Jazeera Magazine app, and they have found a nice
> compromise: it scrolls vertically, but page by page. And turning the page is
> done with a quick flick up or down. Quite nice:
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aljazeera.ajemag.andro
> .hc
> --
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