[guardian-dev] NetCipher: How Do I Know That It Is Working?

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Tue Feb 16 05:15:41 EST 2016

Nathan of Guardian:
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2016, at 09:56 AM, Mark Murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 14, 2016, at 09:45, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
>>> We can add a helper function called
>>> makeSureIAmReallyUsingTor() that hits that and verifies the response.
>>> Does that work from your perspective, Mark?
>> I agree that developers (and users) could use that. However, given
>> NetCipher's current scope, implementing it is something that developers
>> themselves need to do. You can't request that URL without a
>> fully-configured HTTP client stack, and that's something that developers
>> need to set up today.
> Right. I think support HttpUrlConnection would be good, either as sample
> code, or through a method you can pass your instance to. 
>> Now, if we envision a future NetCipher that has packaged integrations
>> tying it to popular Android HTTP client stacks (e.g., HttpURLConnection,
>> Apache's independent HttpClient packaging, OkHttp, Volley), those
>> integrations could offer such a method. The developer configures the
>> integration, calls the validation method, and proceeds from there.
> Yes. Let's envision that, and realize that!

Sounds like something to note for a round 2 of this work.


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