[guardian-dev] towards reproducible Orbot

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Wed Jan 27 10:10:11 EST 2016

Nathan of Guardian:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016, at 09:01 AM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016, at 08:12 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> Nathan of Guardian:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016, at 03:07 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>>>> With the latest update to the ./make-release-build script, Orbot is
>>>>> getting quite close to being reproducible.  The last piece that needs to
>>>>> be added to that script is the builds of the native bit for the various
>>>>> architectures.  Could you add that stuff to ./make-release-build?
>>>>> Careful when running it, it will remove all untracked changes from the
>>>>> git repo it is run in to ensure it is building only from files in git.
>>>>> Then anyone will be able to run this to verify the build:
>>>>> git checkout 15.1.0-RC-4
>>>>> ./make-release-build
>>>>> ./compare-to-official-release ~/Downloads/Orbot-v15.1.0-RC-4.apk \
>>>>>     bin/Orbot-v15.1.0-RC-4.apk
>>>> This is now in, pushed to my repo on Github (and Tor Gitweb):
>>>> https://github.com/n8fr8/orbot/commit/eaa2dde6119a5404fa25f02610a1517ba6b198ea
>>>> We'll have to wait until the next official release to test this of
>>>> course! I will run a release, using the new make-release-build, at some
>>>> point tomorrow.
>>>> +n
>>> I just sent you another pull requiest with some minor fixes.  Which
>>> version of the NDK are you using for the release build?  Those will
>>> likely have to match exactly.  You can find out by doing:
>>> cat /path/to/android-ndk/RELE.org
>> I think it is 4.8, or at least that is what we are using for ndk-build
>> in the jni/Application.mk
> Yes it is set to 4.8 there, and in extern/Makefile

Oops, my message got munged.  I meant to say:


In other words, there is a file called RELEASE.TXT that is included in
the NDK that spelled out the exact version of that NDK. That's what I'm
talking about.  Each NDK version will include a gcc version 4.8, which
is that version in jni/Application.mk


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