[guardian-dev] announcing new libraries: F-Droid Update Channels

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Mon May 29 08:22:14 EDT 2017

In order to complete the F-Droid distribution ecosystem, we are
introducing "F-Droid Update Channels".  It is a suite of libraries for
making your that your app can always find updates, no matter where
someone got it from.


In many parts of the world, it is very common to get Android APKs
outside of the app stores where the developers upload them.

* third party app stores scrape other app stores for APKs
* APKs are bluetoothed, directly, downloaded, etc
* users share APKs via services like Aptoide

In order to ensure that your app always can find updates, we are
introducing two specific libraries:

"Get F-droid" aka org.fdroid.getfdroid

Checks whether F-Droid is installed.  If not, it will help the user to
download and install F-Droid.  F-Droid then provides the update channel.

"App Updater" aka org.fdroid.appupdater

Keeps the app current by checking the hard-coded app repository set up
by the developer.  This is similar to the popular "App Updater" library,
but is secure do to the F-Droid signed metadata.  The fdroidserver tools
handle the creation and maintenance of the app repository.

Both of these libraries also check whether Google Play is installed, if
so, will disable itself.  This allows apps to include this library in
APKs that are uploaded to Google Play since it will not violate the
Google Play Terms of Service.


PGP fingerprint: EE66 20C7 136B 0D2C 456C  0A4D E9E2 8DEA 00AA 5556

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