[Service-advisories] negri crash: affects certain servers in telehouse colo

Jamie McClelland jm at mayfirst.org
Sun Jun 26 11:25:22 EDT 2011

Servers affected:  allende assata bolivar bouazizi debord dolores dorothy harry hay katanko keller lumumba malcolm morales moses negri proudhon ranciere roe sontag stallman toussaint tresca
Date: 2011-06-26

negri crashed at 8:46 am America/New_York time. The crash left the
network card in a state that interfered with certain other hosts in
Telehouse. Service was restored to all servers between 10:14 am and
10:42 am America/New_York time.

After several similar crashes over the last eight months, we're
confident we've identified the network problem that is causing one
server's crash to affect other servers on the same network. We are
scheduling a switch replacement this afternoon to address that issue,
after which it should not happen again.

As for the core cause of the crashes, we are still investigating. We've
identified a bug in the Linux kernel that concerns writing and reading
from the hard drives that we believe is the cause. We will be closely
monitoring the work on this bug so we can fix this problem on our
servers as quickly as possible.  

Jamie McClelland
718-303-3204 ext. 1

May First/People Link
Growing networks to build a just world
Members Local 1180, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO

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