[Service-advisories] telehouse offline from 6:30 pm to 11:20 pm America/New_York

Jamie McClelland jm at mayfirst.org
Wed Oct 31 23:33:56 EDT 2012

Servers affected: albizu algernon allende amaru assata asturias blanco boggs bola bolivar borges bouazizi brown buffy cero chavez clyde debord debs diego dolores donoso dorfman dorothy douglass eduardo florence foucault fuller gil goofball hashmi hay howard jones juana keller ken kiyoshi leslie lima lora lucius lumumba malcolm mandela marquez marx menchu mirabal morales moses negri peltier proudhon puig ranciere robideau roe severo soledad stallman stone stoney toussaint tresca viewsic vilma yser
Period affected: 2012-10-31 6:30 pm - 11:20 pm America/New_York
Date: 2012-10-31

We lost Internet connectivity at our Telehouse location between 6:30 pm
- 11:20 pm America/New_York.

During this period, we did not lose power to our servers. However, the
company the provides our Internet service depends on a facility in New
York City that has been running on generator power since Monday. The
generator failed, causing an electrical outage to their networking
equipment, which in turn caused our cabinet to go offline. 

Once the generator was fixed, our Internet  came back online, and then we
came fully back online.

Thanks for your patience as we work through the various problems caused
by Hurricane Sandy.
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