[Autocrypt] Testing Letterbox

Oliver Wiese oliver.wiese at fu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 6 12:26:08 EST 2018

Hi autocrypt folks,

I am a doctoral-student at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and we are developing a mail client for iOS with PGP and autocrypt support (as a university/research project). Currently, we are looking for participants to test our app. In our study, participants have to read and compose some mails and have a chance to win a 40-Euro gift card . Unfortunately, the study is only available in German. If you are interested you can find more information here: https://userpage.fu-berlin.de/letterbox/ <https://userpage.fu-berlin.de/letterbox/> (There is a short video on the page)

Sorry for stolen your time and thanks for reading.
After the study next steps are bringing the code open source, completing standard and bringing the app to the appstore (including a PR on autocrypt website).

Best regards
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