[guardian-dev] Fwd: Flashable ZIP installer for Guardian apps.

Rick Valenzuela rick at rickv.com
Mon Aug 20 04:27:26 EDT 2012

Interesting. It would be great if it could include RedPhone, so non
US-users wouldn't have to use Market Unlocker.

Will check it out later today, after I prep to lose all data/logins/etc.

On 2012/08/20 3:07 PM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> Someone want to try this out?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Flashable ZIP installer for Guardian apps.
> Date: 	Sun, 19 Aug 2012 22:28:31 +0000
> From: 	Guardian Contact: Kyle <shadowdavidson at gmail.com>
> To: 	nathan at guardianproject.info
> From: Kyle <shadowdavidson at gmail.com>
> Subject: Flashable ZIP installer for Guardian apps.
> Message Body:
> Hi,
> Just wanted to let you know I put together a flashable ZIP file that automatically installs all (most) of the apps listed here: https://guardianproject.info/apps/
> I was inspired to do this because of the "powerup" script that was mentioned on that page. I noticed it hasn't really been touched in a while (at least on github) so I thought I would try and help out by throughing this together. 
> The initial version was V0.1 Alpha but I have now updated it and added in OrWeb bringing the new version to V0.5 Beta. It has been tested on the Galaxy Nexus running CM9 and CM10 (multiple roms as listed on the page bellow). I have also confirmed it working with the Motorola Atrix 4G on CM9 Final.
> The full post and downloads are available here:
> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1840929
> Let me know what you all think and if you want anything added on/changed. Feel free to mirror it as well if you wish and most of all keep up the awesome work!
> Thank you,
> Kyle Davidson (AKA X942)
> --
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Rick Valenzuela
videojournalist :: photojournalist
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
+855 92 470 702 :: rick at rickv.com
GnuPG ID: 0xD5644029

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