[guardian-dev] Airdrop drive-by trolling

Lee Azzarello lee at guardianproject.info
Mon Nov 10 12:36:46 EST 2014

Gotta love the war driving metaphor! I've never used this on OS X let alone
iOS. It sounded ridiculous on both platforms. For p2p sharing I'm partial
to the new BitTorrent client application. Runs on Apple products and
everything else as well.


On Monday, November 10, 2014, Nathan of Guardian <
nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:

> Interesting that this is possible... I suppose Bluetooth is not so
> dissimilar if you are discoverable, but in this case, the recipient does
> see a preview of the media shared.
> http://www.theverge.com/tldr/2014/11/10/7171345/the-best-use-for-apple-airdrop-is-space-sloths
> "Each day I get on the train to make the half hour voyage into San
> Francisco for work, I am surrounded by people using their phones. Many
> have iPhones or iPads, and have a setting turned on that lets me send
> them unsolicited files through AirDrop. Where Apple envisioned it as a
> way to send useful files and websites to friends and acquaintances, I
> use it to send photos of sloths to strangers. And not just any sloths,
> but sloths wearing spacesuits."
> ...
> "By default, the feature is not set to share with everyone. In fact,
> AirDrop itself is not even turned on until you use it for the first
> time. But I've found that a surprising number of people have flipped it
> on, and set it to accept things from the entire world. I assume that's
> by mistake, but by the time they've realized that, I've already struck.
> They can, of course, decline the AirSloth, but I know they've seen a
> small preview of it."
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