[guardian-dev] Airdrop drive-by trolling

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Mon Nov 10 12:49:07 EST 2014

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Lee Azzarello wrote:
> Gotta love the war driving metaphor! I've never used this on OS X let
> alone
> iOS. It sounded ridiculous on both platforms. For p2p sharing I'm partial
> to the new BitTorrent client application. Runs on Apple products and
> everything else as well.

I like what they are doing with Sync and their messaging layer as well,
but of course it requires the Internet/Cloud, I think, though in theory
it shouldn't. What is interesting about AirDrop is that it does work,
even if insecurely, in our "the internet has gone AWOL" scenario


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