[guardian-dev] 81% of Tor users can be de-anonymised by analysing router information, research indicates

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Thu Nov 20 09:21:42 EST 2014

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014, at 08:36 AM, Michael Rogers wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 14/11/14 21:23, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> > Otherwise, I am all about HIGH-latency anonymity systems these
> > days, so the more we can think about mobile messaging over Tor as a
> > transport for all things, the better!
> I totally agree about the value of high-latency anonymity systems, and
> unsurprisingly I also agree that messaging over Tor is a good idea,
> but I think we should devote some time to working out how the two
> things fit together - maybe try to get the Tor research community
> interested.

Good idea!

> If we simply use Tor as a low-latency transport for asynchronous
> messaging then we're limited to Tor's threat model, i.e. we can't
> prevent traffic confirmation attacks. If we revive one of the
> remailers or build a new system then we're limited to a small number
> of users, i.e. a small anonymity set. So ideally we'd find some way of
> adding high-latency mix-like features to Tor.

How much difference in latency are we talking about? Can we just
introduce some sort of randomness or delay into our existing

> Done right, this could provide a large anonymity set for the
> high-latency users and improve the traffic analysis resistance of Tor
> for the low-latency users at the same time, by providing a pool of
> latency-insensitive traffic to smooth out the bursty low-latency
> traffic between relays.

I think this really makes the case, why a native Tor-based messaging
channel/layer/link/substrate should be implemented.


> Cheers,
> Michael
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  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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