[guardian-dev] letting users choose their language per-app

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Fri Nov 21 06:53:11 EST 2014

I'm in the process of improving the "Languages" preference in ChatSecure to
get the language name from the system (instead of from manually defined
strings) and to dynamically generate the list of languages.  This feature was
quite useful for people I trained who had Ukrainian or Belorusian devices,
since they could choose Russian over English for ChatSecure, which currently
lacks Ukrainian or Belorusian translations.

Carrie said in the last scrum that Idaho is exposing this up front.  I'd like
to avoid duplicating efforts.  Where can I see the Idaho code for this?  I'm
pretty close to having this thing easily reusable so we can easily add this
preference to all of our apps.


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