[guardian-dev] letting users choose their language per-app
Nathan of Guardian
nathan at guardianproject.info
Fri Nov 21 09:03:43 EST 2014
Check tbe securereader repo. However, i think that app is a small static
list and not dynamic. Orbot also has code for this in the setup wizard.
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014, at 06:53 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I'm in the process of improving the "Languages" preference in ChatSecure
> to
> get the language name from the system (instead of from manually defined
> strings) and to dynamically generate the list of languages. This feature
> was
> quite useful for people I trained who had Ukrainian or Belorusian
> devices,
> since they could choose Russian over English for ChatSecure, which
> currently
> lacks Ukrainian or Belorusian translations.
> Carrie said in the last scrum that Idaho is exposing this up front. I'd
> like
> to avoid duplicating efforts. Where can I see the Idaho code for this?
> I'm
> pretty close to having this thing easily reusable so we can easily add
> this
> preference to all of our apps.
> .hc
> --
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