[guardian-dev] IOCipher v0.2 release!

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Fri Sep 5 10:30:40 EDT 2014

After unexpected complexity for adding mount/unmount logic and lots of
testing, I think IOCipher v0.2 is ready for release. It can be used as an
Android library project:
git clone https://github.com/guardianproject/IOCipher

Or as a jar with native .so files:

There is a simple example app demonstrating how to plug IOCipher into a file
browser app, and the test suite can also be useful for examples:

It is meant to be used with SQLCipher v3.1.0.  Using this version of IOCipher
with an older version of SQLCipher will have unknown consequences, and
upgrading old versions of SQLCipher-for-Android is pretty straightforward:
(signed by: D83F 5F9E B811 D6E6 B4A0  D9C5 D1FA 3A2A 97ED 25C2)

Notable changes:

* file size no longer limited to device's RAM size

* VirtualFileSystem now is a singleton since only one VFS at a time
  can be mounted

* byte[] and SecretKey methods for easy inter-operability with CacheWord

* sqlfscat command line utility for reading from a sqlfs db file aka
  IOCipher VFS

* x86 and armeabi-v7a support

* android-9 (2.3) is now the minimum platform

* `ant clean debug` builds everything, including the native bits

For more info:

Coming very soon: an updated release CacheWord that is meant to work in sync
with this IOCipher update.


PGP fingerprint: 5E61 C878 0F86 295C E17D  8677 9F0F E587 374B BE81

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