[guardian-dev] bugs in betas

ghostlands at hush.com ghostlands at hush.com
Tue Sep 16 21:51:04 EDT 2014

Hash: SHA1

This is to include everyone in a thread I started with n8fr8 a
couple days ago, and to list new bugs in the new betas as I'm
experiencing them. Some are cosmetic and other are more serious:

"Also, having reverted on my device to 13.1.2, I now cannot start
encryption on previously opened chats.

I also just upgraded Orbot to latest beta 14.0.8, so possibly that
has involvement."

- -I have since upgraded to 14.0.2 successfully, but the above
problem persists.

I also previously filed bugs #3764 #3757 regarding the latest three
versions/betas along with several others a longer time ago about
older versions.

Also I'd like to table a few other new issues I've found with
14.0.2. I am running CyanogenMod 7 and cannot upgrade until
reliable builds become unavailable for my device.

- -cannot delete contacts
- -contacts online/offline status is too subtle, green outline is
very faint
- -account online/offline status is not really apparent at all

Below is previous thread:

> So yes: #3757 and #3764 are both completely fixed, as far as I'm
> concerned regarding my issues and why I created the reports.

Great to hear.

> Getting into 14.0.2, there's another problem. My contacts seem
> to
> be associated wrong. In ChatSecure I use two identities, one
> main

Hmm. Strange. Will look into this ASAP. We did want to a show a
mix of
all contacts, since that is what most people want, but also have a
simple way to see per account, on and offline, OTR capable only,

> Another issue is for "Add Contact": after entering the info and
> hitting "Send Invite", I only get "Attention: a network error
> occurred". I think this is due to not having clients installed
> for

Actually, that error either occurs because you are 1) trying to
add a
contact to an offline account (we can't update the remote roster)
or 2)
you already have that contact in your roster.

> other services. I can't find the way to just add an XMPP contact
> I
> already know. I think the world may be ready to remember XMPP
> addresses like tjhey used to remember email ones, this feature
> should be salient I think.

Yes, it should be easy to just add a local contact whether you are
offline or not. That is true.

> Will any of these even show up in a logcat? Do I need to check
> "Enable Debug Logs" in settings? You only need reply "logcat"
> and

These are more subtle issues, likely not to show up in a debug

> know if I should be sending all this to the main list or another
> dev instead of to you directly.

Always happy to have public chats about this on guardian-dev to
get more
eyes on the problem. You can also do all correspondence via the

> Also, I discovered the lock shows up when using the "light"
> ChatSecure theme. But another superficial issue is that swiping
> right to get to either the accounts or the contacts screen has
> no
> marker indicating what way to get to each one, it seems almost
> random which screen I get.

Hmm Okay. Well, the accounts are a side drawer swipe, so from the
of the screen. The chats are a normal screen swipe. It is a subtle
difference for sure.

> And - I miss the custom ringtone from 13.1.2. I really loved
> that
> ringtone.

Well, now we can add ringtones via the standard system service, so
we should make that available.

> in the meantime... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CRANKING OUT 14.0.2 THAT
> WORKS FOR CM7!!!!!

> (I'm also curious what the snag was, btw)

There were a few issues... the binary had some size issues, so we
reduced the code by 20%. There was also a few bugs in our crypto
for older devices. Many moving pieces, so happy it is coming
for you.
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