[guardian-dev] BitTorrent Bleep - another secure/private chat app

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Thu Sep 18 09:20:18 EDT 2014

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014, at 12:38 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> So the ideal would be if Bleep also provided some kind of p2p proxy for
> the
> direct connections.  And of course, it needs to be open source to be
> taken
> seriously.

They should have learned more from Twister: http://twister.net.co/ since
they have thought about the metadata issue a lot:

"twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform
leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and
BitTorrent protocols."

The other news yesterday was about Richocet aka Invsible.IM, which is
basically just TorChat evolved (P2P hidden service chat). Unfortunately,
it has a very fragile binary protocol, and depends on the idea of
massive scaling of Tor Hidden Services, which they were not designed to


Any comment or update from Briar folk about either of these systems?

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