[guardian-dev] Lil' Debi 0.5 beta release!
Hans-Christoph Steiner
hans at guardianproject.info
Fri Sep 19 23:15:39 EDT 2014
There have been some big new features implemented in Lil' Debi, mostly due to
the work of Kumar Sukhani (aka sdkie), who was the Google Summer of Code
student working on Lil' Debi.
* integrated boot process via /etc/init.d/rc so that when you start Lil' Debi,
any services (sshd, nginx, etc.) that should be started on boot are started
* start on boot, or when the SD card is mounted
* install process based on cdebootstrap (same as the Debian installer)
* ability to install on the internal storage rather than SD card (beta)
You can get this beta version on our release page:
And it is also signed by my OpenPGP key:
We have also improved the deterministic, reproducible build process. It is
now easier to run the release build process yourself to make an APK to compare
to the official release. You need to have these installed to make it work:
* java 1.7
* Android SDK 23.0.2
* Android NDK r10b
To run the process to make bin/LilDebi-0.5-release-unsigned.apk for you to
compare to the release:
git clone https://github.com/guardianproject/lildebi
cd lildebi
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then to compare it, use the attached script or see this blog post:
How is also a perfect time to update a translation, or even add a new one.
Then I'll include those updates in the final release version:
PGP fingerprint: 5E61 C878 0F86 295C E17D 8677 9F0F E587 374B BE81
-------------- next part --------------
set -e
set -x
test -e "$1"
test -e "$2"
tmpdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/.compare-apks.XXXXXXXXXX`
apk1=$(basename $1)
apk2=$(basename $2)
apkname1=`echo $apk1 | sed 's,\.apk$,,'`
apkname2=`echo $apk2 | sed 's,\.apk$,,'`
dir1=$tmpdir/`echo $(dirname $1) | sed 's,[/ ],_,g'`-$apkname1
dir2=$tmpdir/`echo $(dirname $2) | sed 's,[/ ],_,g'`-$apkname2
mkdir -p $dir1/zip
cd $dir1/zip
unzip $1
cd ..
apktool d $1
mv "$apkname1" apktool
unzip -l $1 > $dir1/unzip-l.txt
unzip -lv $1 > $dir1/unzip-lv.txt
mkdir -p $dir2/zip
cd $dir2/zip
unzip "$2"
cd ..
apktool d "$2"
mv "$apkname2" apktool
unzip -l "$2" > $dir2/unzip-l.txt
unzip -lv "$2" > $dir2/unzip-lv.txt
meld $dir1 $dir2
rm -rf $dir1 $dir2
-------------- next part --------------
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