[guardian-dev] warrant canary
Nathan of Guardian
nathan at guardianproject.info
Mon Feb 9 08:00:14 EST 2015
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015, at 05:20 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I imagine EFF, Harvard Law's Berkman Center, and NYU Law had some really
> good
> lawyers look at this before they endorsed it ;-) It is uncharted
> territory to
> some degree, in terms of courts. But it sounds like those lawyers
> forming a
> posse in case this does go to court.
> Also, for those who don't know, Nick Merrill, the man behind Calyx, was
> the
> plaintiff in Doe v. Ashcroft, which challenged the legality of aspects of
> National Security Letters (NSLs):
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Merrill
> I can't really imagine a better legal team behind this effort. I suppose
> they
> are missing an ACLU endorsement...
BTW, I asked some EFF and Berkman folks, and people thought that
software devs like us should be included, wrt to backdoors in our
software, being forced to sign a binary with added "stuff" in it, etc.
We should make sure we have a coordinated process between all of us with
keys, and then go from there.
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